Not satisfied with giving the school a distinct prison likeness, with all the new gates and code locks, staff are apparently going to have to wear identity passes from next term. This does all seem a bit over the top when you consider that we have hardly been the victims of a sustained crime wave. I know a wallet went missing a few months ago, and a one-man crime gang tried to make off with a defunct computer once, but that hardly constitutes a besieged school in need of high security gates all over the place. However, they're here and that's that. But the passes! Is there really going to be some doubt in our minds as to whether or not the teaching staff should be here or not? And do we honestly, in this small community, not recognise each other?
Well, as I say, I have been getting a little indignant about the whole ludicrous process, but today I came across this item on the Guido Fawkes blog, with an update here, and it has rather calmed me down! I don't want passes in school, but I absolutely don't want to be like the irate, pompous and foul-mouthed MP described in that story. So I guess I'll just have to wear the stupid thing with a good grace, or at any rate not start foaming at the mouth if a member of the office staff challenges me for not wearing it!!
Sheer lunacy...the stupid thing is none of the teachers will stick to wearing the badges anyway. Isn't that right?
Correct, I suspect! Apart from me!
Of course! You'll follow the rule to the letter ;)
I am in full support of this further regulation. Maybe soon they'll make it compulsory for teachers to turn up on time to lessons too. Rofl.
By th by I notice you have an exciting new link from this website. This 'Chairman Mo' certainly has a good take on things...
Remember that time when thieves came into school and took mobile phones and wallets from the swimming changing rooms? And the bag that nearly got stolen from the sports hall during CCF, if it wasn't for the heroics of CPL.Major Marshall...
These identity badges are more important to visitors than with teachers, where unfamiliar faces can be recognised and dealt with.
I suggest that our canteen Smart Cards be used as swipe cards too, in order to gain entry into the school grounds. Nonsuch have this system which seems to work pretty well.
Considering how often some MP's actually attend parliament - i'm not suprised security doesn't recognise some of them.
As for SGS staff having to wear ID cards, I'm glad to see that someone is beginning to exert some control over that unruly bunch (-:
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