It's all go at the University of East Anglia it would seem. Not only has prominent Tory blogger Iain Dale gone up there this past week to address a reunion dinner of the Tory Student Group, but I happened this morning to be talking to the biggest name in Norwich journalism - the editor of 'Concrete', UEA's interestingly named student paper. Whether the title refers to where they bury most of their stories or not remains to be seen, but for aspirant SGS journos it is worth knowing that said editor is none other than the founding editor of the school's own weekly rag, "What's the Story Sporting Glory". Where the sgs red-top these days headlines such feeble scoops as 'Teacher Drinks Cocoa in Office', its dynamic founder is where the real stories are. I asked him what his biggest news last week was, and he was able to tell me that his paper had uncovered some disgraceful alcoholic gerrymandering - yes, the UEA Union has been selling out of date cider!
I've asked for regular copies of 'Concrete' so we can keep an eye on developing news on one of our students' top uni destinations; and, ironically, Norfolk will also host the half term CCF manouevres - exact destination undisclosed for obvious reasons of national security.
NB: Comment heard on this morning's touchline - there haven't been so many English people in France since we last invaded it! Good to see the PC count is as high as ever amongst ex-parents and football watchers!
UPDATE: Knowing that another sgs luminary is currently co-editor of Oxford's Cherwell, I did a quick hop over to their site to see if their news can possibly compete with Concrete's - and the answer is absolutely not; all they've got is some stuff about controversial right-wing historian David Irving and the BNP's Nick Griffin visiting the Union, and the usual 'fit college' competition - plus a few other things. Can't compete, sorry!
I'm all for invading it again. I reckon that we could conquer it with our very own CCF contingent... but lets face it, they would run away from a wet cabbage if it looked threatening enough!
Insider information says that it was, in fact, you who pulled out that shocking statement. Can you confirm this?
He reveals that he is part of CCF, a fatal error in revealing identity.
I think that Jeremy Paxman and Sherlock Holmes are one and the same!
Invade France!
can u please kick me out the school. this isnt someone pretending to be me trying to get me kicked out cos noone likes me. It is actually me.
This is utterly frivalous! If no-one can post a half-decent political observation then this isn't a political blog, it's a ridiculous and failed attempt at humour.
future tory PM you say that Jeremy Paxman and Sherlock Holmes are the same people. You would only know that by being in lower sixth politics class. Another fatal error in revealing your identity.
agreed miss marple.
How about a drink sometime?
This blog is a farce
"This blog is a farce"
I agree entirely, back to the politics, this blog isnt very up to date..Have you got any information on the Liberal Leadership?
why certainly sherlock!
also i agree with voice of year 12. We need to talk about the leadership of the Liberals, or lack of!
i wouldn't mind them selling out of date cider at SGS
Indeed, Marshall has been awfully slow at documenting things recently, probably claiming to be doing Uni applications or something. Personally i feel he should devote more time to his blog, which has started to gain some following!
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