The tutor 2 u blog has a couple of articles that provide a very helpful current view of
constitutional reform, and
prime ministerial power. Strongly recommended for AS-level students as a good bit of updating material.
UPDATE: To consider these issues we can hold a session tomorrow. I am happy to do a couple of sessions if that suits - one for the historia

ns in the morning, following their exam (with a suitable break in between, obviously) and a further one at around 4pm for those preferring a later time! The main aim will be to see how recent events can fit in to your Politics 2 answers. Clearly, your answers will not major on MPs' expenses and the constitutional reform suggestions that are following, but they can - and should - at least reference these things. After all, nothing has driven the plight of parliament more firmly into the centre-ground of public attention than the mis-use of the expense accounts by MPs, and the tally of them who are now deciding not to stand just goes on getting longer. David Cameron has re-opened the Conservative Candidates List, and reportedly already received 1,000 applications (no, mine is not amongst them!). The 'fringe' parties are likely to benefit as never before in the European Elections on Thursday, a Speaker has been forced to stand down for the first time in 300 years, and the sitting Prime Minister, after a bare two years in office, is facing calls to stand down from within his own party. Making sense of all this is clearly a fundamental task for any politics student.
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