Then Salma broke cover. This under-stated mother from Birmingham won over a significant number of audience members by breaking from the consensus that somehow the Afghan war was justifiable. Mentioning that she would be 'proud' to have any of her sons serve in the British army to defend their country, she attacked the reasons for British military involvement in Afghanistan at all, arguing that we were less safe now than we had been before Tony and George declared a fatwa against the middle east (my words, not hers). This was a not unconvincing point, and it was noticeable that the several audience questions following all seemed to begin with "I agree with Salma...." - and this from a heavily forces-biased audience too.
Yaqoob was not a ranter, she waited her turn even when she was clearly bursting to say things, but she was passionate, and it was certainly refreshing to hear someone challenge the idea that the West should be in Afghanistan at all. Piers Morgan said we were there as a direct response to 9/11. True, of course, but it begs the question as to why we are not similarly in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, two countries with arguably greater responsibility for nurturing the al-Quaeda cells who launched that notorious attack. All of the attackers on 9/11 were, of course, Saudi citizens.
Then there is the interesting question of George Bush's and Tony Blair's religious convictions. As Christians, one assumes they are keen devotees of the Bible. So did they miss that teaching of Jesus, recorded in the gospel of Matthew, that we should "turn the other cheek", and offer to carry our enemy's coat? Or maybe Christian teaching is only for those not in government? Or perhaps it's just too difficult full stop.
So well done Salma, and it may be that she starts to carve out a role for herself as a non-consensus spokesperson on the war not dissimilar to that of Shami Chakrabarti on civil liberties.
Couldn't disagree with you more Giles and to compare her to Shami Chakrabarti is going too far. I thought Salma rambled, looked out of her depth and in contrast to your conclusion: ultimately failed to provide an argument that convinced me.
Unless our military involvement in the Middle East spreads to, heaven forbid, Iran then I see Respect fizzling out in the next few years.
I was slightly concerned about the link to Christianity there in our 'multi-cultural' society. Why should our leaders follow a religion to the letter, when that same religion states in its ten commandments that all other religions are false...
This would promote the attitude seen in Switzerland, a home of neutrality.
Is this dream of co-existing going to be torn apart by strongly religious leaders, or will it be achieved by more open-minded men...
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